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Universal Design for Learning

Collaborative Activity 2 (Discussion): Experience to Action

Consider yourself as a learner – perhaps as a student yourself, or when you began to learn how to support students in your role in education.

Please go to your LMS's discussion board, if available, and post your thoughts on the following:

  1. How has honouring learner variability and/or social identity been important to you?
  2. How has this experience changed your thinking and actions?
  3. Explore at least one of your colleague’s responses and let them know what stands out for you about what they said.

Note: You are very welcome to submit your response in a way that works for you: audio, video, image, etc. Please ensure that whatever you submit is accessible to all. You could create captions for a video recording or create a transcript for any audio you share. Here are some helpful resources:

1. Creating captions for your video recording.

2. Creating a transcript for your audio recordings.

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