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Universal Design for Learning

Wrap Up

Congratulations, you’ve just completed Module 3!

Have a look at Giulia Forsythe’s doodle summary of the Representation principle and the importance of an equity perspective in teaching and learning approaches.

Summary of Module 3: Representation4:52 min

As you are posting your Representation Draft Plan and checking responses, you may also want to have another look for new responses to posts in the first four Collaborative Activities.

  • Did you jot down notes on your reflection on your intersecting identities?
  • Consider the Plus-One idea in Module 1. What decolonizing curriculum next step do you have planned?
  • Consider your own experience of comprehension when doing the Making Meaning Multiple Choice Activity!
  • You can download a pdf of this module by returning to the main pageOpens in a new window.

You are in the home stretch!

Now it’s time to put together what you’ve learned in the previous modules about activating the principles of Engagement and Representation through a decolonizing curriculumOpens in a new window lens, to explore the expanded horizons of Action and Expression!

See you in Module 4!


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Aladejebi, F. (2021). Schooling the system: A history of Black women teachers. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

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Andrey, S., Masoodi, M. J., Malli, N., & Dorkenoo, S. (2021). Mapping Toronto’s digital divide. Brookfield InstituteOpens in a new window.

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Breunig, M. (2005). Turning experiential education and critical pedagogy theory into praxis. Journal of Experiential Education, 28(2), 106-122Opens in a new window.

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Fowler, D. (2020, June 2). We need to get all Canadian students online quickly in the face of pandemic uncertainty [Opinion]. CBC NewsOpens in a new window.

França, J., & Giroux, H. (2019, July 2). An interview with founder of critical pedagogy Henry Giroux on the meaning of education, suspicions regarding neutrality and on how current uncertainties could be a driving force to rethink and generate new possibilitiesOpens in a new window.

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed (M. Ramos, Trans.). (Original work published 1968).

Fritzgerald, A. (2020). Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building expressways to success. CAST Professional PublishingOpens in a new window.

Galvin, T. (2022, January 20). Decolonising the curriculum resources [Padlet]Opens in a new window.

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Giroux, H. A. (2021, March). Critical pedagogy and global citizenship education. In E. Bosio (Ed.), Conversations on global citizenship education: Perspectives on research, teaching, and learning in higher education. Routledge.

Giulia Forsythe. (2022, March 16). Universal design for learning module 3: Multiple means of representation. [Video]. YouTube. Opens in a new window

Held, M. B. E. (2019, January 23). Decolonizing research paradigms in the context of settler colonialism: An unsettling, mutual, and collaborative effort. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18Opens in a new window.

Johnstone, C., & Edwards, P. (2019, April). Accommodations, accessibility, and culture: Increasing access to study abroad for students with disabilities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(4)Opens in a new window.

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Koptie, S. (2009). Irihapeti Ramsden: The public narrative on cultural safety. First Peoples Child & Family Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal Honouring the Voices, Perspectives, and Knowledges of First Peoples through Research, Critical Analyses, Stories, Standpoints and Media Reviews, 4(2), 30-43Opens in a new window.

Lazaros Simeon. (2021, June 12). Scaffolding a lesson [Video]. YouTubeOpens in a new window.

Leigh A Hall. (2016). How can critical pedagogy enhance your teaching? [Video]. YouTubeOpens in a new window.

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Ontario Human Rights Commission. (2021, October). An intersectional approach to discrimination: Addressing multiple grounds in human rights claims. Government of OntarioOpens in a new window. 

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Rorabaugh, P. (2012, August 6). Occupy the digital: Critical pedagogy and new media. Hybrid PedagogyOpens in a new window.

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Simpson, J. S., St Denis, V., & Giwa, S. (2021, September 12). In times of racial injustice, university education should not be ‘neutral.’ The ConversationOpens in a new window.

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United Nations. (2007, September 13). United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous PeoplesOpens in a new window.

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Wesley-Esquimaux, C. (2010). Narrative as Lived Experience. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 5(2), 53-65Opens in a new window.

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