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Universal Design for Learning

Wrap Up

Congratulations! You've just completed Module 4 and the course.

Our final doodle summary from Giulia shows the highlights from our learning exploring the Action & Expression principle. 

Summary of Module 4: Action & Expression 4:54 min

Although you’ve reached the end of Module 4, remember that you can always go back and investigate more. Here are some checks that may help you reflect on what you’ve learned in the module and what you might like to explore further, beyond this certificate:

Once you’ve completed all four modules, please reach out to your facilitator for a certificate of completion. You may also want to apply for the CAST – Level 1 Associate certificateOpens in a new window. In the libraryOpens in a new window, you will find some curated resources, organized by themes explored in this course, that can support your inclusive teaching practices as you continue on your UDL journey. Choose a format of learning that works best for you – whether it be looking at CAST's research on UDL, listening to a UDL podcast, checking out quick videos, or many of the other options. You can link to all of the pdfs and handouts shared in the course, including the library and glossary, in the course’s take home packageOpens in a new window. To download the full modules, return to the course homepageOpens in a new window. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any feedback on the course: udlgbc@georgebrown.caOpens in a new window. You can review recommendations for course completionOpens in a new window within your institutional context in the course Welcome section.

Remember back in Module 1 when you envisioned a learning design for your students that was not constricted by money, time, technology, or other barriers? Has your learning in this course made that vision seem a bit more possible? Hold onto that vision as you continue your work in Universal Design for Learning.

Best of luck in the future!


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